Air travel is getting worse, passengers tell US Transportation Department
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Jul 06
How many air travel complaints were filed in 2023?

In 2023, the U.S. Department of Transportation received nearly 97,000 air travel complaints, up from about 86,000 in the previous year. This increase came despite a reduction in flight cancellations, with 1.2% of flights canceled in 2023 compared to 2.3% in 2022.
Richard42 Garcia
Jul 06
What was the percentage of flight cancellations in 2023?

In 2023, the flight cancellation rate in the U.S. was a record low at under 1.2% - the lowest rate of flight cancellations in over 10 years despite a record amount of air travel2.
Jennifer Harris
Jul 06
What percentage of flights were delayed last year?

Last year, 24.1% of domestic flights were delayed or canceled, with delayed flights defined as departing 15 minutes or more after the scheduled time1. The overall average departure time was 14.43 minutes after the scheduled time.
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