Dropout technique mitigates overfitting by randomly deactivating a percentage of neurons during training, preventing the network from relying too much on specific connections and forcing it to learn more general features. This results in a model that is more robust and less likely to overfit the training data.
Dropout deactivates approximately 50% of neurons during training, forcing the network to learn more generalized features and preventing overfitting. This technique encourages neurons to develop robust and independent feature detectors, enhancing the network's ability to generalize from training data to unseen data.
Dropout imposes constraints on neuron weights by randomly deactivating neurons during training, preventing over-reliance on specific neurons and promoting the development of generalized features2. Additionally, it constrains each neuron's incoming weights, scaling them down if they exceed a predefined limit3. This constraint, along with a gradually decreasing learning rate, allows for a thorough exploration of the weight space3.