Elder Scrolls Online boss reckons "very few people" would play a Morrowind-style open world nowadays, as teams need to "support" two kinds of players
What does Matt Firor say about modern gamers' time availability?

Matt Firor, ZeniMax Online boss and Elder Scrolls Online director, suggests that modern gamers have less time to invest in games than in the past. He states that today's player base is not "all PC or generation-one console diehards" who actively want to spend a lot of time navigating the environment, as they have "so many other options for players3." Firor emphasizes the need to support both hardcore players and the wider audience with varying time availability.
How has the design of open-world games changed, according to Firor?

Firor suggests that modern open-world games have shifted towards providing more guidance and convenience for players, due to the changing player base and their limited time. Games now offer map markers, checklists, and clear objectives, making the experience more accessible for a wider audience.
Why does Firor believe a Morrowind-style game wouldn't succeed today?

Firor believes a Morrowind-style game wouldn't succeed today because modern gamers have less patience for getting lost and desire more convenient options like map markers and checklists. Today's player base also has diverse preferences, so developers need to support both "hardcore" players wanting a challenging experience and casual players with limited time2.