According to the recent filing, 71.9 percent of shareholders supported Akio Toyoda's renomination as chairman of Toyota's board. This marked the lowest level of support for him since at least 2010, after his first full year as chief executive5.
The 71.9 percent approval rate for Mr. Toyoda's renomination as Toyota's board chairman is significant in the context of corporate Japan because it represents the lowest level of support he has received since becoming the company's chief executive. Traditionally, Japanese board members receive nearly unanimous support from shareholders, with Toyoda averaging over 96 percent approval in the past decade. The lower approval rate signals shareholders' desire for changes in Toyota's governance and a re-evaluation of the influence Mr. Toyoda holds within the company.
The recent shareholder support for Akio Toyoda marked a significant decline, with only 71.9 percent of shareholders supporting his renomination as chairman of Toyota's board. This is the lowest level of support he has received since at least 2010, after his first full year as chief executive. In the past decade, Toyoda had received an average approval of more than 96 percent from shareholders, reflecting a substantial drop in confidence this year.