Wordsmith's AI platform primarily targets in-house legal teams and law firms. The platform is designed to assist legal teams in helping other workers within a company with legal tasks, such as reviewing contracts and answering specific questions about a document1.
Ross McNairn has an extensive background in the tech industry, having worked for several notable companies throughout his career. Some of his previous roles include CEO and Founder of Wordsmith AI, Chief Product and Technology Officer at TravelPerk, VP of Product at Letgo, Head of Product at Skyscanner, and Founder of Dorsai Travel6. Additionally, he has held various engineering positions at Microsoft, Facebook, and Instagram. McNairn is also a qualified lawyer, having spent a few years in the profession before transitioning to software engineering.
Wordsmith's AI platform assists company employees by providing a "lawyer-in-the-loop" system that allows in-house legal teams and law firms to configure the platform to help other workers in the company with legal tasks, such as reviewing contracts and answering specific questions about a document23. The platform uses a combination of large language models, including OpenAI's GPT-4 and Anthropic's Claude, to help automate simpler legal matters and provide template responses for more complex issues2. The platform can be configured as an autopilot for simpler matters or as a co-pilot where a lawyer is always in the loop for more formal responses2.