Metal Gear Solid was revealed at E3 in 1997. The game's trailer had a significant impact on the convention and influenced other developers, such as Richard Ham, the design lead on Syphon Filter.
Richard Ham, design lead on Syphon Filter at developer Eidetic (now known as Days Gone developer Sony Bend), spoke to Retro Gamer about the impact of Metal Gear Solid1. He explained how Metal Gear Solid's trailer at E3 1997 brought the convention to a standstill and influenced the development of Syphon Filter.
Syphon Filter's gameplay primarily revolved around stealth and action, with a focus on espionage-themed scenarios. Players took on the role of special agents Gabriel Logan and Lian Xing, navigating through a series of missions to uncover and stop the dissemination of a deadly biological weapon. The gameplay combined elements of strategy, puzzle-solving, and combat, often requiring players to use a variety of weapons and gadgets to overcome challenges and enemies.