Most planets in Star Wars Outlaws only take "4 or 5 minutes" to cross on a speeder – the size of 3 Assassin's Creed Odyssey zones stitched together
How long does it take to cross Tatooine on a speeder?
It takes about 4 to 5 minutes to cross Tatooine on a speeder in the game Star Wars Outlaws. Creative director Julian Gerighty mentioned this duration in a recent interview with IGN, where he also discussed the size of the game's planets in comparison to zones in Assassin's Creed Odyssey6.
What is the approximate size of Toshara in Star Wars Outlaws?
Toshara, a moon in Star Wars Outlaws, is approximately the size of two or three zones in Assassin's Creed Odyssey. It takes about four to five minutes to cross from one side to the opposite in a speeder, making it similar in size to the planets Tatooine and Akiva.
Are the planets in Star Wars Outlaws similar in size?
The planets in Star Wars Outlaws vary in size. Creative director Julian Gerighty stated that Tatooine, Akiva, and Toshara are similar in size, with Tatooine being slightly larger14. The size of Kijimi and Cantonica has not been specified, but the overall focus is on providing a manageable and immersive experience for players.