The "Hardcore mode" mod for Stardew Valley, created by software engineer Sylvie Nightshade, deletes a player's save file if they open the Stardew Valley Wiki while playing the game3. The mod scans the titles of all open windows on the user's computer and erases the save file if 'Stardew Valley Wiki' is found in any title. This mod adds a new level of challenge to the game by discouraging players from using the wiki as a guide.
The mod's creator, Sylvie Nightshade, found the original Hard Drive joke amusing and was inspired to turn it into a reality. She created the "hardcore mode" mod for Stardew Valley, which deletes players' save files if they open the game's wiki5. The mod was developed and released just twelve hours after the Hard Drive article was posted, showcasing Nightshade's impressive skills and dedication to the joke3.
The "Hardcore mode" mod detects the use of the Stardew Valley Wiki by scanning the title of every open window on the user's computer. If the title contains 'Stardew Valley Wiki', the mod erases the user's save file and closes the browser window with the wiki5.