Ray Kurzweil predicted the iPhone era, foreseeing the rise of smartphones and their impact on society. He anticipated the exponential growth of technology and its influence on human existence, including the development of AI and its integration with human intelligence.
Kurzweil predicts that by 2045, humans will fully merge with AI, becoming immortal cyborgs. This integration will be enabled by advancements in AI and nanotechnology, allowing humans to expand their intelligence a millionfold by connecting their brains to the cloud.
Kurzweil believes that AI technology holds the promise to "bring back" the dead initially in the form of simulations which replicate a person, and eventually physically. He has already created a replicant of his father by feeding an AI system with his father's letters, essays, and musical compositions. Kurzweil expects "highly realistic" non-biological recreations of people, and then living bodies, by the end of the 2020s. He predicts that humans will move into artificial bodies more advanced than what biology allows, and by the 2040s, it will be possible to make a copy of a person.