Marvel was initially opposed to the inclusion of Norimaro, a Japanese-exclusive character created by comedian Noritake Kinashi, in Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter. They did not want an "unpowered gag character" going against their heroes1. As a compromise, Norimaro was made exclusive to the Japanese version of the game.
Norimaro was created by Japanese comedian Noritake Kinashi in collaboration with Capcom. He was considered a joke character due to his comical design, mannerisms, and moveset, which included throwing school supplies and asking opponents for autographs mid-battle.
Norimaro, a Japan-exclusive character in Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter, is likely being removed from the Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection due to licensing issues and potential disapproval from Marvel. Created by Japanese comedian Noritake Kinashi, Norimaro was an unpowered gag character that didn't fit well with Marvel's superheroes. Capcom may have decided it wasn't worth dealing with the complex rights situation just to include Norimaro in the collection.