Valorant’s Evori Dreamwings skin bundle revealed and it’s sickeningly adorable
1 question · 1 view
Jun 25
What inspired the Valorant Evori Dreamwings skin bundle?

The Valorant Evori Dreamwings skin bundle takes clear inspiration from the Star Guardian universe of League of Legends skins, featuring pastel colors and celestial companions. The bundle includes four weapon skins (Ghost, Spectre, Odin, and Vandal), a melee wand skin, and various accessories like player cards and gun buddies.
Jun 25
How does the release date of the skin bundle relate to Episode 9?

The release date of the Evori Dreamwings skin bundle is closely related to Episode 9, as it is scheduled to go live in-game on July 27, just two days after the launch of Episode 9. This suggests that the bundle will be a part of the new content introduced with the Episode 9 update, and players can expect to enjoy the Star Guardian-inspired cosmetics as they explore the new Act.
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